Hey everyone. I'm feeling better today. I feel like my brain is drained out of all its negativity. It's a really good feeling, thanks for all your lovely comments. :) Here are some of the very few things I accomplished throughout the past couple of weeks.
Birthday gifts for my ex and my best friend
Decorated envelopes for pen pals
Airports for pigeons
Swans in love
Surface craters on a strange planet
Buildings on fire underneath the moon

I was also tagged by Andie for the Honesty Award. I guess it means Andie thinks I'm an honest person. She's right.
Share one thing no one knows about you.
This is a hard one. I guess one thing that nobody knows about me is that I could lay on my bed for an entire day and not run out of things to think about.
What is your biggest regret in life?
My biggest regret in my life right now would probably have to be the waste of a person I used to be, resulting in lack of productivity and missing out on a thousand chances for different things. (i.e. missed out on a trip to Florida, and on a trip to the Caribbean, even though they were offered to me for 100% free). Although looking at this positively, all the bad things I was have resulted in who I am now, and I'm happy with that.
What would you do with a thousand dollars?
Well, it depends if I earned this money or not. If it were given to me for free, though, I would finally sponsor a child and spend the rest on some of my art projects.
What secretly makes you happy?
Cleaning, whether its my room or the dishes. It's kind of like fixing something, or renewing something, and afterwards I feel productive and fresh.
If you could go back in time would you still pick the person you are with right now?
Considering I just broke up with my boyfriend, I'm not sure. I would have liked for it to work out, but I know I'm going to keep meeting people all of my life, so I guess I have no rush.
If you could take a trip anywhere, who would you take with you?
I'd probably take my mom. She deserves it. She does so much for everybody in our family, and none of us really seem to appreciate it to be honest. I mean, I always did but I guess I never really showed it very well. I'm going to make sure that I'm more grateful from now on.
I like your comment on your regrets. There are a lot of things I could regret but it I find that it's not overly productive. Being happy with who you are now and how your past decisions have shaped that is the best perspective someone can have.
Even if you're not happy with who you are it's not helpful to dwell on how you wished you'd done things differently as opposed to deciding and focusing on who you want to be.
Great post and I'm glad things have turned a bit of a corner for you. Keep up the good work.
so happy you are back!!! those gifts for your ex and bf are awesome
hi there! glad you are back :) i tagged you! http://amanda-yourstruly.blogspot.com/2010/07/hey-thanks.html
welcome back.. :) we all need a little break sometimes... x that's alright i guess... ^^
I love the visuals today. Sometimes taking break and doing other creative projects really helps get me out of a funk. Thanks for sharing the fruits of your time away. - G
You're so lovely.
And I love the pictures!
Have a nice day.
Thanks so much for following my blog, I've been prowling through your posts for a while here, and I must say I'm truly in love with your work! Your blog is adorable and your photos are simply fantastic [:
I'm glad you're feeling better than yesterday, take care :)
The gifts you made and the envelopes are simply gorgeous!!! and great attitude to be had on regrets in life, amen to that :)
glad to hear you're feeling better.
you made pretty things :))
welcome back! those envelopes are awesome. i love that swans in love shot. :)
i love your sense of image and construction
So love the creatures.
I love your envelopes!
did you take all of those pictures? they are amazing. i love the way you see things. also, i'm glad you're feeling a bit better and creative again!
Great idea with the envelopes! I may have to do something like that with my penpal - what a creative way to make letters even MORE special.
Love your blog in general sweetie! Seriously awesome work :)
Thanks for sharing!