
May 30, 2010

A moment and a half

Inspired by Hyperbole And A Half

Moments are strange creatures which are closely related to the giraffe and the llama. Unlike the Alot, Moments are not a type of Commonus Typolus, although they both share one common ancestor: the Dictionary. This makes them cousins.

It is often confusing when somebody talks about a moment, because it is unclear whether they are talking about a point in time, or the creature itself. Here are some examples:

I once had a moment, but the moment passed. Does anyone else have a moment?


alliehallmarr said...

Haha, how clever! Can you eat the moment? As in, "She's having a moment..."

Tuesdai Noelle said...

Hey Dori :)

Interesting...., guess I've had a few of these..........., if Im understanding what I'm reading, smh ha. But either way, yes I have :)

Lauren said...

This is hilarious! You are amazing!

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...




Unknown said...

I never had a moment,
just 'a little bit'
but he was kinda vicious,
so I got rid of it...

You make me smile thanks x

cerebral e said...

Love this!

x said...

Dori this is so lovely :) made me smile!

Kathryn said...

I've read the word 'moment' so many times that it now looks all funny in my mind. ^^

When I am sad I like to remember nice moments that I have had. And there have been a few!

What a lovely post to read on a Monday morning! :)

Kate x

Dori the Giant said...

Allie - Lmao! Yes, in certain countries they eat moments, just like we eat cows!

Tuesdai - You're understanding this? Even I don't.

Kate - I do that with many words. Man, you're so lucky you had nice moments! The moment I once had was mean!

Thanks for your comments everyone. If you like this, then you'll LOVE Hyperbole And A Half! Check her out if you haven't!!


CupKay said...

haha aww!

Delirium said...

Hahahah this made me laugh so much! I nearly just woke Asia up from her morning nap. The "momentum" and "hold on for a moment" were my favorites. :)

Delirium said...

Also that Hyperbole and a half blog is awesome thanks for sharing.

Bobbin Talk said...

LOL! Made me laugh out loud!! Totally made my morning!

Unknown said...

haha i love this!

Catherine said...

I like the classification of these creatures :)

Adriana said...

i smiled.

Nick said...

Very funny, and one of your most enjoyable posts ever!

I loved it (and wish I'd thought of it, or something equally clever).

whyimbored said...

Hahaha - Allie would be proud.

whyimbored said...

...and also cute :)

Kristin H said...


Tara said...

Hahaha! That's cute. I wish I had a moment!! I mean like really...more time and the creature.

Unknown said...

funny post i like this its very interesting

Dori the Giant said...

I added another one that I completely FORGOT to add. Oh well. :(

tera said...

Ha ha! I had a moment, but I accidentally left the door open a moment and in a moment it had escaped.

Anonymous said...

haha! cute Dori!

Abigail Wise said...

haha this is so cute! And what's the other movie about Lennon's murder called?

NabilaHazirah said...

LOL! This is so cute! :D

Unknown said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog and I LOVE it!!!!! Really cute post :) ♥♥

Kara said...

oh my gosh! this is awesome! :)

Sam Liu said...

This is brilliant, Dori, it really did make me laugh :D Inspired by another great blogger too, moments and alots certainly are the most wonderful creatures :)

Anonymous said...

Moment is really cute. I guess I should adopt him...:)

natg said...


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