This is a project I originally started last year but did not accomplish as much as I wanted to. Then winter came and I put it aside. I'm bringing it back now, with a new name too.
You can probably guess from the name that this isn't your typical graffiti project. Here in Brampton, there is quite a bit of graffiti around, especially in hidden areas like under bridges or around bike paths. Some of the messages I see in the graffiti really disgust me. A lot of them consist of dirty things, swear words, drugs, and really stupid things in general. Occasionally the city paints over these places, but the graffiti always comes back.
What I want to do is replace all the bad graffiti with good graffiti. Things with positive messages and insightful meanings.
You can probably guess from the name that this isn't your typical graffiti project. Here in Brampton, there is quite a bit of graffiti around, especially in hidden areas like under bridges or around bike paths. Some of the messages I see in the graffiti really disgust me. A lot of them consist of dirty things, swear words, drugs, and really stupid things in general. Occasionally the city paints over these places, but the graffiti always comes back.
What I want to do is replace all the bad graffiti with good graffiti. Things with positive messages and insightful meanings.

If you'd like to participate, you can definitely join me if you live in Brampton (I doubt the majority of you even know where that is!).
But even if you're far, I need your ideas!
I am looking for positive words, insightful phrases, meaningful quotes, and even pictures (that would be easy to outline) to stencil out and spray paint!
Leave your thoughts in a comment, or e-mail me.U P D A T E S
June 21, 2010
June 29, 2010
July 9, 2010

You are awesome Dori. I'm glad you finally posted this. And HELL YEAH QUOTE MASTER! (that's me)
What a great idea. Someone should do something like this in my town...
this sounds like a great and fun idea...I'll certainly keep this post in mind and try to come up with some positive quotes and what not to shoot back at you, for sure :)
I do think this is a great idea Dori, if I find something worthy of being in a wall for everyone to see, I'll sure let you know.
a friend of mine did this in high school - it turned out really cool
That is a fabulous idea, Dori! Seriously, if it's just going to come back, why not spread the love? How about a little Elvis Costello quote: "What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love and Understanding?"
p.s. I want my flower drawing!
Great idea!
'Positive Pollution'
Perhaps you could even spray that somewhere?...
Happy aerosoling. x
What a good idea, wish I had time to spread some love.
you are freakin amazing for doing this.
'swallow your doubt, not your pride' and 'smile though your heart is breaking' come to mind.
Great idea, I love it! I'll think about a few suggestions and get back to you :D
Not a day without a bite of love!
This is amazing!!! You are lovely!! xo
"where's your smile?" (:
This is a lovely idea. I really admire what you are doing.
Kate x
i think youre cool.
oh this is so inspiring! love it!
oh this is soooooooo neat and lovely
wish i lived closer!
you sound like a doll
kiss kiss! xo
hope to hear from you
Hey Dori....
Life is a treasure: explore it. Live it.
That's just off the top of my head. Also, I gave you a Dazzle Girl blog Award
Have a fab day :)
my favorite is " eARTh "
we've been doing the same thing here in aus.
hope all goes swell.
this is awesome!! (: i love the idea, wow wow wow!!
have you heard of you are beautiful? it's positive graffiti too (: their website is: http://www.you-are-beautiful.com
i love the idea!!!
thanks so much for following my blog cos otherwise i would never have found yours! what a gorgeous blog you have! and this is a fabulous idea! ooooh the possibilities are endless of what you could write...
"CHOOSE happiness"
"if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours"
"remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something."
"be the change that you want to see in the world"
are some i like at the moment :)
Thanks everyone for the suggestions and comments.
This made me happy.
I really like some of these and will definitely stencil them to life!
LOVe this idea! may i do the same?
Sabriel, pleeeeeeeease do! :) Spread the goodness! ♥
one of my favorite quotes is:
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
-Mother Teresa
and since this is a goodfitti thing
"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it."
"If life was easy, where would all the adventures be?"
or in the vein of the pic you have, just write
you are wonderful
over and over again.
Hey! I had this exact same idea as well. I started doing some in Toronto, neat!
Great idea! Some suggestions:
"Two monologues don't make a dialogue"
"Don't fight a fact, deal with it. Don't discard yourself, be more of it." Hugh Prather
Do post pictures of your Goodfitti :)
awesome idea!
This is honestly one of the most quirky and brilliant ideas i've ever heard of . . . but then again, all of your ideas are like that :) Keep it up, Dori!