Please watch the video at 720p, it doesn't even seem to be synced properly at any other viewing setting. I had a lot of technical issues.. I made this "photo essay" for an assignment, and I chose the topic of anorexia. I've never had my own experience with anorexia (more like the opposite), but I've had my own personal beauty issues which I think affected me in a similar way. Majority of the video was photographed by me. Some shots were taken with the help of friends, and a few other photos (the clips in the television) were taken from the internet. I feel like the media's influence is a big part of anorexia, so I used actual media photos that I found - I couldn't have replicated it to get the same effect. Regardless, I'm happy with some parts of my video and I can't wait to start shooting/editing some real video footage in the future. |

you're a great artist. :)
I think it's really powerful, really good job!
is that the song from requiem for a dream? what song is that? also, good job :)
Nicely done. You had some really great imagery in there. Keep up the good work!
This is so good. Perfect song too. I really like the mirror scene and the shriveling apple at the end.
Great video...very powerful.
The candle burning up somehow freaked me out.
Definetly powerful!